
Showing posts with the label curvature

What is Point of Contraflexure in Bending moment diagrams

  What is Point of  Contraflexure in Bending moment diagrams? The significance of Contraflexure ? Key words:  points of Contraflexure, Contraflexure,  significance of Contraflexure,  curvature,  beam,  sign change in Bending moment diagrams,  inflexion,  significance , Simply supported beam, cantilever beam,over  hangged beam, sfd BMD diagrams, structural Analysis, reinforcement, negative bending moment, sagging, hogging A point of contraflexure is  a point where the curvature of the beam changes sign . It is sometimes referred to as a point of inflexion and will be shown later to occur at the point, or points, on the beam where the B.M. is zero. The significance of points Contraflexure ? point along a beam under a lateral load is known as a point of contraflexure  if the bending moment about the point equals zero .  Knowing the place of the contraflexure is especially useful when designing reinforced concrete or structural steel beams and also for designing bridges. BM changes from +