What is Point of Contraflexure in Bending moment diagrams

 What is Point of  Contraflexure in Bending moment diagrams?

The significance of Contraflexure ?

Key words:

 points of Contraflexure, Contraflexure, significance of Contraflexure, curvature, beam, sign change in Bending moment diagrams, inflexion, significance , Simply supported beam, cantilever beam,over  hangged beam, sfd BMD diagrams, structural Analysis, reinforcement, negative bending moment, sagging, hogging

A point of contraflexure is a point where the curvature of the beam changes sign. It is sometimes referred to as a point of inflexion and will be shown later to occur at the point, or points, on the beam where the B.M. is zero.

The significance of points Contraflexure ?
point along a beam under a lateral load is known as a point of contraflexure if the bending moment about the point equals zero
Knowing the place of the contraflexure is especially useful when designing reinforced concrete or structural steel beams and also for designing bridges.

BM changes from + to -ve there for care shall be taken to provide top reinforcement to care - ve BM extended sufficient beyond the point of Contraflexure to safeguard BM changes suddenly.
In which types of beam points of Contraflexure are occurred
Select and put comments in comment box which beam having points of 

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