The construction sector has made great developments with the introduction of various building technologies. It is becoming much easier to build or renovate a house on a low budget with the new affordable options. Cladding is one of these options—it has dramatically changed the construction industry by allowing property owners to quickly and easily change the appearance and durability of their homes. In this article, we explain what cladding is, why it's important and which types of cladding are available.

What is cladding?

Cladding is a covering or layer applied to the external surfaces of a structure to protect it or give it a new look. Surfaces can be damaged by fire, harsh weather conditions like cold or extreme heat and even pests (including termites). Structures can also begin to break down due to normal wear and tear. You can add cladding to these surfaces to cover this kind of damage and prevent it from continuing. Cladding can be made of a variety of materials, such as timber, plastic, brick, stone and glass.

 Why is cladding important?

Cladding performs a number of important functions, including:

Protecting buildings: Cladding protects a building from extreme temperatures, wind, water absorption, termites, noise, molds and all forms of pollution.

Changing a building's aesthetic: Depending on the cladding choice, it can boost the appearance of a building, thereby increasing its market worth.

Reducing maintenance: Surfaces with cladding require little or no maintenance, with most surfaces requiring cleaning only.

Insulating a building: Adding a layer that keeps the building warm during cold weather and cool when temperatures are high can help with utility bills.

Keeping a building safe: If a building was originally built with material that can easily catch fire, metal or stone cladding can help reduce the risk of destruction.

Making a building more durable: A structure with cladding has higher mechanical strength than one with none. Cladding makes the structure stronger, increasing its durability.

Roles that use cladding

Only licensed professionals should install cladding to avoid risk of injuries or building collapse. The following roles require cladding knowledge:

Insulators: They install insulation materials in buildings to regulate temperatures in the structures.

Cladding supervisors: They are the key link between the construction management team and the contractors. The supervisors oversee all operations to deliver quality projects.

Contractors: They organize and direct construction workers, cladding materials and any services required to ensure timely completion of projects.

Facade engineer: They provide valuable input on the suitable materials to be used in cladding. Facade engineers also design, contrive and decipher technical problems that may arise during cladding.

Construction workers: They do all the manual jobs that are involved in cladding, such as preparation of cladding materials and installation of the materials.

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Types of cladding

Here are the 14 main types of cladding in use today:

Brick cladding

This cladding provides a charming, patterned and traditional appearance similar to stone. You can install bricks in different designs to create a unique, authentic look. Cladding bricks come in an assortment of colors and tend to be light compared to building bricks. Brick cladding is typically preferred since it can withstand extreme weather conditions. Though the installation can be a bit expensive, brick cladding is ultimately easy to maintain and long-lasting.

Wooden cladding

Wood is now increasingly popular for business and residential aesthetic use because of its durability, especially when the external base is coated in paint. The kind of wood that is typically used as cladding is hardwood, like cedar, since termites typically can't eat it. Wood is environmentally friendly, as it is biodegradable and can be recycled. Wood cladding gives an attractive look to a surface and also provides enough insulation to meet the labeling standards for energy efficiency.

Stone cladding Natural stone cladding comes in diverse colors and sizes. Stone cladding is mostly used for external walls, both to give them a new and genuine look and also to protect them. Many people prefer stone cladding because it's long-lasting and doesn't soak up moisture. The types of stones you can use include marble, sandstone and slate. Stones are simple to prepare as they only need to be cut to size. Stone cladding can withstand any kind of harsh weather, which makes it a sensible choice.

Glass cladding

This kind of cladding involves using glass to enhance the outer appearance of buildings. Most individuals and companies nowadays prefer glass cladding to metal or timber because it's relatively cheap and easy to mount. Glass cladding is often used in commercial setups and rarely on residential houses.

The setting-up process involves first using brick cladding tiles and attaching glass panes. The panes are held up with upstands, which hold the glass tightly and ensure it's not damaged by strong winds. A glass finish makes a structure appear chic, thus raising its value.

Aluminum cladding

Aluminum is well-liked due to its durability and easy maintenance—it does not absorb moisture and can take on any kind of weather. When you use this kind of cladding material, it gives a glossy, contemporary look. Aluminum is also easy to work with since it is malleable. Other benefits of aluminum cladding are that it is light, resistant to fire and comes in a variety of colors.

Scyon cladding

This is also known as fiber cement cladding, Scyon cladding is made of a material that is a combination of cement, sand and cellulose. It's available in vertical and horizontal boards as well as square and rectangular panels. The cladding boards' thermal properties are better than hardwood, and termites can't destroy Scyon cladding. You can attach the sheets to timber or steel frames.

Stainless steel cladding

This type kind of cladding contains 10% chromium, meaning it's generally free of the risk of corrosion. Since the steel does not corrode, it can last for a long time, which gives a long-term protection to the wall. The steel cladding is also relatively cheap and is easy to install and maintain.

Porcelain tile cladding

This cladding guarantees excellent performance and durability. You can use it in both residential and commercial buildings, and it comes in a range of colors and sizes, making it an ideal choice for interior cladding. When used on walls, the porcelain tile cladding exudes a clean and modern feel. Its smooth texture makes cleaning and maintenance easy. Tile cladding works best when it comes to protection of surfaces. It can withstand any outside pressure and does not absorb water.

External foam cladding

External foam cladding is created from a kind of foam similar to polystyrene. The polystyrene has a fiberglass mesh coating and a toughened core to make it strong in case of impact. It comes in panels of different sizes to fit every kind of building. The cladding is quite easy and quick to install. Termites can't damage it, and it has outstanding thermal properties and can withstand any kind of weather. The external foam cladding is incredibly trendy and can be used on the outer wall to boost its appearance.

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Ceramic cladding

This cladding is a very adaptable modern solution with exceptional mechanical and aesthetic properties. It is available in different colors and textures that create a contemporary finish, and you can install it in diverse patterns to create a desirable design. The cladding is light, which means installation is easy and quick. It's also impermeable, strong and resistant to high or low temperatures. You can use the cladding to protect the interior or exterior walls as well as for aesthetic purposes to offer a smooth, sophisticated finish.

Metal wire mesh cladding

This is a new and unique form of cladding made of metal wire mesh. The mesh comes in different specifications depending on the type of building and purpose of cladding. The metal mesh cladding is durable and is also resistant to rust and corrosion since it's made of steel. Its varied weaving patterns give buildings a distinctive look.

Plastics cladding

Plastic cladding is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is ideal for protection and decorative purposes. You can fit plastic cladding onto bathrooms and storage room walls to provide protection in areas that are often damp. Plastic cladding is cheap and easy to set up. The cladding also comes in an array of colors, which transforms the room or building instantly.

Curtain cladding

Curtain cladding is a form of temporary cladding installed by raising curtains on non-structural walls. It's used to enhance the artistic feel of a room and protect building interiors while still allowing light in. Curtain cladding is available in a variety of colors and textures.

3D cladding

This is a decorative cladding that comes in different colors and gives surfaces a unique three-dimensional look. It is mostly used for aesthetic purposes. The cladding is cheap, light and easy to install and maintain. It's ideal for quick renovations, though you can also use it in newly built houses.

Quick: Key words

Cladding, Thermal control,cavity, Aluminium Composites panels, Cement Fibres, Stones, Plastic cladding, Plywood,Glass, Construction Technology, Construction Engineer, Civil Engineering, Concrete cladding, Bricks cladding, Granites wall cladding


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